Sunday, November 23, 2008

Soccer Trophy

We went to Noah's end of soccer party at Chuck E. Cheese (groan...) on Thursday night. Not my favorite place but Noah had so much fun. Best of all...he got his trophy!

Here he is with the Coach Steve receiving his trophy.

He is so proud!!

Here is a picture of the trophy up close.

He is so darn proud of this thing. I was proud too of course. He says he loves soccer and wants to play again in the spring so I guess we'll see how that goes. I'm so glad he stuck with it, because there were some Saturdays that it was a huge fight trying to get him to go. In the end he loved it and already misses it...this was our first weekend with no soccer, thank the lord! I can only imagine what it will be like in a few years when Gabe starts playing too! Those will be some busy Saturdays.

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