Sunday, October 26, 2008

Marker Happy!

Noah and Gabe were coloring last night and, of course, I wasn't in the room at the time. I think I was doing laundry or something...I can't remember. Well I walked back into the kitchen to find a little boy and a highchair covered in blue marker (thank goodness they were washable). Even his tongue was blue! Needless to say Gabriel was extremely proud of himself and what he had accomplished. I grabbed him up and we headed for a bath that immediately turned blue, Noah thought it was "So Cool!" to have blue bath water. Ha, Ha. It took alot of scrubbing and it still did not come off completely. It will just have to wear off I guess. Well anyway, this was the eventful Saturday night we had. Thought it was a bit humorous!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I love being a MOM!

I love being a mom to these two beautiful boys. They are getting so big now, they are really starting to enjoy playing together and doing activitites together. It's so fun watching them interact and love on each other, then beat each other up the next minute. I only wish I could keep them this age forever. Gabriel is just now beginning to talk pretty good but since he still can't express himself the way he would like he gets frustrated, then Noah gets frustrated. But Noah is such a good BIG brother. He has patience with Gabe when he should and he just loves him so much. And Gabe loves his big brother too. He copies everything Noah does and wants to do everything Noah does, it will be interesting in the coming years as Noah begins to do more extracurricular activities that Gabe can't be a part of.

I have been so lucky to have been with them at work since they were born, enjoying every minute with them. Noah being away at Kindergarten this year has been hard. I don't know what I'm going to do when I get a teaching job, it will definitely be an adjustment for the whole family!